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Gasp for air

Posted on Mon Nov 8th, 2010 @ 3:15am by Walter Jones

602 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...
Location: Lagashi prime

Steam spewed from a pipe, cogs whirred, and fluids flowed through the clear tubing into the chamber. The Cardassian stepped out from the console and peered into the chamber and snarled. "You said that this would only be a matter of hours, I am running short of time and you will pay dearly if this isn't done.

"Quiet, you can't rush perfection." The tall Lagashi looked up from the monitor. "The subject is 99 percent complete, the last thing we are waiting on is the higher functions of the brain, choices between morality, and affection, love. These are the last things that the process re-attributes."

The cardassian moved over and grabbed the Lagashi. "He doesn't need those... get him out NOW."

"According to the DNA sample you brought the subject is mentally unstable at best already." The lagashi stared down at him, the enhanced eyes rotating to focus in on him.

"I don't care, get him out now... or the deal is off and you may be reported to the authorities." The Cardassian sneered.

"Fine." The Lagashi pulled the lever and the tank opened up, steam pouring out onto the floor. The "creature" landed heavily on the floor. It started coughing, and breathing heavily, the Cardassian grinned and walked over to the body. "Who are you..."

The steam began to clear around what could now be identified as a human male. He started coughing, slowly getting acclimated to his surroundings. He looked up at the Cardassian, the man's golden robotic eyes focused on him.

"I asked you who are you... reply to me if you know what is good." The cardassian kicked the man on the ground.

The naked man looked back up and started la.ghing, slowly and softly first, which built into a loud echoing, full throat-ed laugh. "I... I am your worst nightmare." with one swift motion he quickly speared the Cardassian to the ground, heavily punching him in the face. He stood up and looked down at him. "Of course I know who I am you fucking frog faced piece of targ shit."

The Lagashi sat back in the control chair watching as this went on. Smiling to myself.

"Did they escape?" The man stood over the Cardassian.

"Yes.... there wasn't anything we could do, they blew the station, killed hundreds of our men, we tried to hunt them down in the trade lanes but, they took out the mercs we sent after them." The Cardassian was holding his hands over his face to try and protect himself.

"Why.... why... do I always have to do things myself." The man walked over to the wall and grabbed his clothes off of the hooks and looked over at the Lagashi. "What the hell are you?"

"I am a Lagashi." The operator turned off the equipment. "Unlike your friend there, I don't have the pleasure of your name, only you genetic makeup."

"Ohhh..." the man walked over to the Lagashi and picked up a screwdriver off of the counter. "Ohh no one important, just a random assemblage of DNA, and enzymes and cells and" He quickly thrust the tool directly into the Lagashi's non robotic eye. The Lagashi's face lit up in horror and pain then fell backwards off of the chair.

"I suppose you can call me Park Stamir." Park grabbed the screwdriver out of the now lifeless Lagashi then moved over to the groveling Cardassian on the ground. "Let's go monkey." Park dropped the screwdriver and started to walk out door. "Find me that crew, I've got a bullet or two that I need to put in their skulls."


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