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Rain Drenched Sky's

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 8:58am by Sky Summers
Edited on on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 9:03am

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Session 5: Rush
Location: Neptune Base - Thalassa Moon - Sol System

Thalassa, one of the moons of Neptune. A dark and wet place with very little to redeem it other than the fact it was a perfect long range detection and communications center for this side of the Sol System. A small colony had sprung up around it attracting the shadier side of the Federation, even the Starfleeters were in on it for the most part. Whore houses, dark bars, entertainment houses... Yet this all survived in the midst of the beacon of light and goodness, Earth.

Sky now took the time to wander the streets, her type one phaser within easy snatch should the need arise.
Slowly she meandered her way down the street, the rain coating her coat, the drops landing on the transparent material.
If anything, her time onboard the Warden had taught her one thing, be ready for anything in a place like this, and on more than one occasion she had been subject to the wandering eyes and lame lines to try and bed her. Her quarry was far more important than this however, and her standards had not changed since leaving the care of Captain Jones.

She rounded the corner and found herself in front of the only repair facility on the god forsaken rock.
She scooped up the train of her dress that had already turned black from the mud and dirty of the rain soaked street.
"Excuse me", she called out, her fingers tightening around the hilt of her weapon. "I've come to collect my shuttle!"

A small weathered looking man that seemed to be missing most of his teeth stepped out from behind a screen, greese and some form of coolant staining his skin and clothing. "Yes my dear", a lecherous smile cast her way. "The Blue Moon... She's ready we just need to discuss payment!"

Payment wasn't the problem, but leaving anyone as a witness to her precence would be. Already several bounty hunters were stalking her after the broadcast placing one of heaviest bountys known on the crew and associates of the Warden.
"I'm sure we could come to some form of arrangement", she had started to play with her hair keeping the other hand firmly planted on the hilt of her weapon. "Whats your pleasure?"

A gravel like laugh emenated from the old man, the smell of his unwashed body almost more than she could bare. "Funny you should say that... I would have been more than happy to take you to my bed, but now that I know there is a bounty on your head...", his hand snapped behind him clutching at what Sky could only assume was a weapon of his own but with lightning reactions she brought her own weapon from within the folds of her dress and fired.

One other thing she had learnt from Jones, you should never leave a witness. The old man slowly started to evaporate in a swirl of orange charged energy leaving nothing to see but the smallest amount of biological evidence that would need a micrometer to find. But finally the last obstical was out of the way. She lightly jumped over the counter and snook of through the repair facility to find her beloved ship, now fully repaired and ready to leave the Sol System behind.


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