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Posted on Thu Jul 9th, 2009 @ 6:43am by Sky Summers

369 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock

The shuttle was finally finished. In retrospect it really didn't take long to complete, but now that it was it had begun to feel like home. The rich red and royal gold drapes hanging from a central point on the ceiling, and then cascading out and then down the walls. Delicate traditional wood carved furniture, some of it almost a century old, lined the walls. A dresser, a small table and seating and so on. The small room may now look smaller than it originally was, but it felt comfortable. If anything, looking at it in reflection, it was more comfortable than her old shuttle, the Blue Moon.

She was lost in thought when the intra-ship bleeped to life.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. If you look out your starboard view ports, you'll see Starbase 376, with its armada of Starfleet patrol vessels, tractor beams, highly-accurate tactical officers, and deadly armaments. Up ahead, that tiny speck on the horizon: our destination, the civilian shipyards. Please feel free to move about the cabin, see your flight attendants for drinks, and enjoy this leisurely flight out. On our return trip, remember to fasten your seatbelts and straight-jackets as we can expect heavy turbulence, high speed chases, and nearly certain death. And you're in luck, today's inflight holovid is a triple feature: The Great Escape, Gone In 60 Seconds and The Gods Must Be Crazy. Thank you for flying Insane Plan Spacelines, and enjoy the rest of your life."

'Well at least they have a sense of humor about it', she thought to herself with a wry smile.
The pilots voice over the com had another effect on her. One she hadn't felt for a while. Excitement at the new adventure that was about to start. Excitement at her new life aboard the Warden and an even more curious and different excitement. The excitement that come with hearing a voice of someone you so long to able to be next too.
She pushed away the thought and snapped herself back to the present, and checking her chronometer she realized it was time for her ritual. The ritual wash that was supposed to cleanse the soul of Companions.


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