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Posted on Tue Aug 18th, 2009 @ 2:36am by Walter Jones & Brian Mallory & Martok & Tyl'varas Shrive & Charlotte Ashcroft

880 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Shuttle bay
Timeline: Current

Walter had dropped the ship out of far enough away from everything that he hoped that it wouldn't draw any attention to what was going on. He was surprised that the old girl had held together so long. Now, here they were, in the middle of space about to send his new found friends, crew and shuttle.
Jones still wasn't happy about everything that was going down with this, they had reached the point that the boarding party was leaving and the rest of the crew was heading to the planet. He looked at the shuttles in the bay and the assembled weapons on the ground. He hoped it would be enough to keep them safe. Walter walked over to the comm panel and hit the button "Brian, Martok, Charlotte, and Tyl, get down to the shuttle bay, time to get you guys going."

Defiantly Ashcroft pulled the final twist in the hair tie to secure her long hair firmly behind her head. Coldly she returned her eyes to the woman before her in the mirror starring into the eyes that appeared to be emptying themselves of life. This was her routine when time permitted to gear herself up for what ever awaiting around the corner.
The plan, steps they had to achieve and the ultimate goal were firmly lodged into her brain. She used this time to purge herself of everything else so the job in hand had her full undivided attention, the fear was replaced with determination, the realism of capture or death was shunned to one side ready to be dealt if the need arose.
With finally lingering look Lottie sneered at her reflection and marched from her quarters toward the shuttle bay where Jones was waiting with his reservations.

Martok was suiting up for battle when he heard the Captains call. He slipped a knife into its sheath on his right leg, put some grenades in their holsters, just in case and holstered 2 disruptor pistols as well. On his way out the door he grabbed his assault rifle.

As Walter waited for everyone to show up he played through the events in his head. Charlotte was right, if he was ever going to determine how his crew was going to handle themselves in a hard situation, it better be now then later. He looked up as Chalotte and Martok walked in. "Welcome to the party lady and gentleman."

"You ready to have some fun?" Martok replied looking between the gathered party.

"Hardly," Lottie answerd cooly. "I'd much rather be throwing back shots the diving into this hell hole of an idea."

Walking towards the bay, Shrive came into view. He was holding what looked to be some sort of Andorian blade, and had already been strapped down with some kind of disruptor rifle, disruptor pistol, and his revolver that Jones had given him. Looking around, he began in an agitated tone, "Well, now comes the interesting part. I trust you are all ready to embark?

Moving her eyes between the arsenal scatted upon the deck, and those already being carried by both Shrive and Martok Lottie knew they weren't going to be short of fire power. That was reassuring if nothing else was. "I believe so," she frowned a little at Shrive's light tone.

"I hope you weren't planning to leave without me," Mallory said as he walked into the shuttlebay. He gave a short, curt nod to Shrive and looked to Jones. "Which one of our new toys do you want to send on this little suicide mission?"

"The fastest and sturdiest," Lottie suggested almost sarcastically. Often when she was in her 'zone' she would turn short and snap at her colleagues if they were unprepared.

"I suggest we use the stealthiest." Martok offered.

Jones walked over to the sleeker of the shuttles in the bay. "Take the Drake for this one. It will more the likely save your butts." Jones looked at the people in the bay. "Alright, after the job is done, we'll meet in orbit of Glausten IV. If everything goes fubar we'll meet at SB101 I've already made arrangements there and is where we need to drop the cargo anyways." Jones smiled at everyone, he hoped this wouldn't be the last time he saw them. "Any questions?"

"Let's just get this going shall we?" Lottie called gathering up the arsenal upon the deck.

Martok had been leaning against the shuttle bay wall, he got up and headed over to the Drake. "Lets go."

Mallory walked to the shuttle and opened the Drake's rear hatch. As the party walked up the shuttle's gangway, Mal turned to Jones. "Keep your fingers crossed, Skipper."

Martok had taken the shuttles OPs position as the tactical officer would be in the tactical spot.

Taking his seat at the helm, Mal ran through the basic pre-flight sequence and looked at the team, then turned to Shrive. "If everyone's settled, we're ready to begin this escapade."

Jones stood outside of the shuttle and watched as it powered up. He hoped that this would be the last time he saw them. Walking over to the bay door he hit the door release and watched as the main bay slid open. "Doors open, you are clear to leave"


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