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The Ball

Posted on Wed Oct 7th, 2009 @ 4:47pm by Walter Jones & Sky Summers & Kyle Bowman

2,221 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Flausten Planet

Even from altitude the hall that the banquet was being held was opulent, styled after the palace of Versailles on earth but some how grander, even compared to the surrounding city that was designed for hedonisim that would put the Romans to shame. Bringing the sleek shuttle in to land Jones looked over at Sky who had changed into one of the most exquisite and expensive dresses that he had ever seen.

Jones swung the shuttle down over the landing pad and eased it onto the platform. Pressing a few buttons on the panel he put the ship and engines on standby mode.
"Alright, we are here, I'm probably going to tip the valets to park this thing aint I?" Jones smiled at Sky.

"I'm afraid so. But they will give it a free service for you at the same time!"
Sky finished applying her last little adds of makeup to her perfect and beautiful appearance. It all matched with the black and deep plum silken dress she wore. It was form fitting and accentuated every curve of her body. Even a cold blooded Breen's blood would boil at the sight of her.

Jones stood up and offered his hand to Sky as he headed towards the open door of the shuttle. A young valet was standing by the door waiting for him. Jones looked at him and scowled at the teenager. "You put a scratch and her I'll throw you out an airlock." Jones helped Sky down from the shuttle door and across the small ramp up to the builidng. The entire area was lit up, butlers, maids, guards, everyone dressed to the nines. He leaned over to Sky, "I feel a little out of my element here, I'm used to dealing with freespacers, gamblers and rapscalions, I guess high society is the same. huh."

"To a degree. There all the same these people just have manners!"
She smirked at the Captain, waiting for her little jab to hit home and when it did she let out a musical little laugh.

Jones smiled at her a little, she was right, normally a dispute out on the border ended with a trip to the nearest medical facility.

With her arm supported by her gentleman she floated down the garden, bobbing her head to the different people she saw that recognised her and gave quizzical looks at the lucky gentleman she was with.
"When we get to the ball room, you will have to surrender any sidearms you might be carrying and we will then be announced".

Jones looked at Sky with a slightly incredulous look. "I suppose, lets just hope that there isn't any kind of trouble at this thing, the last time I was at one of these I wasn't allowed back on that planet for a few years, I promise though to make my best attempt not to punch anyone." Walking along the gardens, Walter would politely smile at everyone as he passed them.

Reaching the front door, Jones reached out and grabbed the handle and held it for Sky. The sound of light music and a jumble of conversations could be heard coming from somewhere inside the large building.

"Your name sir?" Jones hadn't even noticed the small man standing at a podium with a large book of names. Walter turned and looked at Sky with a slightly bewildered look on his face. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "What should I say?"

She whispered back as they approached the podium. "Walter Jones escorting Lady Sky Summers... They're expecting me and one other... I booked ahead!"
She smiled at Walter before straightening up. She carried herself like a high society lady which in many ways she was. "Relax Captain".

"Captain Walter Jones, escorting Lady Sky Summer." Jones looked around at the high society of planet and decided that most of them weren't worth his time.

"Alright Mr. Jones, you may proceed." The snooty man slightly turned his nose up at the Captain.

"That's" He paused for a moment, remembering his promise to Sky not to start a scene. Walking through the long antechamber, they were stopped by what appeared to be two guards wielding ancient weapons and then another announcer.

"Introducing the Lady Sky Summers, escorted by Captain Walter Jones." The man stepped away and the guards moved their weapons allowing entrance to the hall. A few of the people standing around bowed politely to the two as they entered.

Both Jones and Summers stepped into a grand ball room with large columns ringing the dance floor. Sky took it in her stride having seen the room before, but Captain Jones had never seen anything this opulent before.
"Come Captain, we should mingle for a time"


Kyle was so board he was becoming cataleptic.

He had been at the Ball for over an hour, with dignitaries and graceful people passing him by like frumpy clouds. He had tried finding better attire, but nowhere was willing to cater to a man like him on his budge. He had settled for cleaning his current clothes, and not wearing a Phaser.

His new employer was dismayed at his appearance, but nothing could be done, so set about introducing him to every fop and dandy in the room. He was being called a personal chuffer, something he was unfamiliar with, and people kept talking around him to his employer rather then to him, it was getting very irritating.

After a while he wandered away from his nattering employer, going over to a waiter, trying to find something alcoholic to consume.

However, as he walked over there was an announcement of more guests. He glanced over, spotting a glamorous woman on the arm of an older man. Although they looked the part, there was something slightly off about the man, as if he was trying very hard to maintain his air of dignity, as if he didn’t quite belong here.

Forgetting the drink, Kyle decided to keep an eye on the pair, if only to join some people as uncomfortable as he was.


"Your sidearm sir." One of the guards had walked up behind Walter as they descended the stair case. Jones reached under his coat and slowly handed the weapon over to the man. "I better get that back at the end of the night." The guard nodded at Jones and walked away.

The room was gorgeous, the finest of everything. No expense had been spared when it came to setting this up. Everything here seemed like a dream compared to the rest of the galaxy. The suffering and pain that could be seen thru the rest of the galaxy, the whole charade made him sick. If it wasn't for the pay check at the end of this it wouldn't be worth it. He smiled and nodded to the people as they made they made their way though the crowd.

"So who is that we need to talk to?" Jones said as he held up Sky's hand and started to join in with the other people that were waltzing around the room.

As they danced, something, or someone caught his eye from across the room. A man that seemed almost as out of place as he was here. Jones leaned in and whispered in Summers ear. "I think we are being watched, something doesn't feel right, when we swing around there is a guy over there watching who is as out of place as I am here."

"I've already seen him", she whispered back. "And the gentleman we need to see is just over there by the buffet table. A Bolian".
Sky nodded with her head in the direction that Walter should look.

Kyle was watching the pair as they danced, spotting the woman nod towards a Bolian at the buffet table. His employer had pointed him out early on, some sort of trader or conveyer of...something. Kyle fervently wished he had paid more attention to the introductions. He kept watching the pair, knowing this could be interesting.

Walter made eye contact with Kyle. "It looks like he is about as out of place here as I am, might be a good connection to get us our information." Jones continued dancing with Sky, as much as he didn't want to admit it, he enjoyed dancing with her, especially after not being with anyone for a long time. When the music ended he bowed to Sky and slowly walked over with her to the table that Kyle was sitting at. Pulling out a chair for Sky, he sat down next to her. "You look like someone who might want to talk."

Kyle smiled at this mans brazenness. He may be awkward in those cloths, but he sure as hell was a bold one, and no mistake. He placed down the glass he was drinking from and leant back in a nonchalant manner, putting on a little smile designed to irritate people. "An odd statement sir, although not wrong. The reason for my staring was because you’re the most interesting thing here. You fit in here as badly as I do, despite the fancy cloths, and you walk like a man who has seen the galaxy, not like you’ve got a silver spoon lodged up your ass like most of these dandies. So who are you? I doubt you’re an assassin, although if true you'd rate in the top 10 worst in history, just behind man with big pointy stick"

Walter laughed a bit, "Just an old space captain trying to get ahead in this world really. I'm just visiting really, I don't intend on sticking around here very long at all, just thought that I saw a fellow freespacer and came to pay my respects."

Kyle nodded, "Glad to meet you captain, Glad to see some true spacers around here. Are you here for business or pleasure?"

Tag Jones

Sky just sat next to her Captain and took the scene in, watching for any that might be there to disrupt or could cause problems with the situation as it was.
Then she spotted him.
"Captain. The Bolian has arrived", and with a delicate hand, she pointed vaguely in his general direction.

"Ohh looks like our meal ticket has arrived, hopefully. It was nice meeting you hopefully you can get out of here too." Jones stood up and looked over at Kyle just as his communicator chirped, reaching in his pants he sat back down and saw Lee on the other side. "Lee I told you not to call me unless it was important."

"It is captain, James and I have secured the medical plant things already we can get out of here, I didn't even spend any money."

"Good for you, alright get back to the ship and lets get the hell out of here Jones ou"

"Wait captain there is another hitch, I think there might be heat on us flying out, the plant came with a condition, but I've got good news! We have a new engineer, his name is Jan Valentine, and he is pretty nice." Lee smiled at Jones through the communicator.

"Whatever, I'll deal with it when we get back to the ship, get the engines warmed up, we are headed to SB-611."

"Alright!" She saluted then disappeared. Jones turned to Sky. "Change of plans, we need to get out of here, seems if mission is accomplished. But it looks like it might be a bit hot leaving the planet."

Kyle overheard this "I may be able to help you there." He held out his hand "Kyle Bowman, pilot extraordinaire. I can get you off planet double quick if needs be."

"Walter Jones, Captain of the Warden. Sky and I have a ship that some punk kid parked out there, he probably adjusted the damn seat." Jones turned and looked around and then turned to Sky. "I'm sorry that we have to leave my dear but duty calls." Jones turned and looked back at Kyle, "Turns out I'm in need of a pilot, can you fly Cadassian ships?"

Kyle raised an eyebrow "Yep, although not for a long time," He stood "I'll be happy to join you, if you'll have me."

Jones smiled and extended his hand to Kyle, "Tell you what, lets get out of here and we'll talk about pay on the way up?" Walter stood up and helped Sky out of her chair. "This place is a bit stuffy anyways."

"Speak for yourself Captain. I found rather enjoyable being back in the company of civilized people again", the smirk played across her lips as she was unable to hide her quip at the captain.

"Yeah but I'm a lot more fun." Jones smiled at Sky and gave her a little nudge. "Alright let's go. I want to make sure that punk. Didn't scratch my shuttle."

Kyle stood "Ok, Let me deal with one thing first." Walking away from the pair, he walked up to his current employer, stuffing his face at the buffeted "Mr. Coltichie, I quit," And hit the puffed up buffoon square in the face. Before anyone could react Kyle and turned walking back to the pair, then with his slightly bemused shipmates they left the party and its stunned guests, "I hated that guy."


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