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Posted on Tue Oct 13th, 2009 @ 4:58pm by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Tyl'varas Shrive & Martok & Max Sainexs

2,666 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Warp/SB102/SB611


The nav computer announced to Brian that they were almost at their destination, Starbase 102, also known to the seeder lots in the galaxy as "Pirate Haven" due to its history of incursions against Federation outposts, klingons, or anyone who got in the way of their "fair trade". Bringing the ship out of warp, the aging and by most accounts condemned starbase hung drearily in space, like an ancient long forgotten monolith that you only sought out if you had a reason to. Across the com a hail came from the station, the chirp of the comm system masked the message.

"What do you want? This is pirate grounds." A gaunt aged man peered learily at Brian.

"Just dropping off a few people and perhaps a drink that is it."

"Fine, dock at 014, and I expect a drink for my generosity." The screen flicked off and Tirad called back to the cabin.

"We're here, docking in a few moments, apparently we owe the dockmaster a drink."

"Ah I know the dockmaster here fairly well. He is a man that can appreciate a good strong drink." Martok said. "I believe his favorite is Romulan ale."

Shrive looked grumpier than usual, undoubtably due to the presence of Park. "The sooner this is done, the better."

Stiffly Charlotte rose to her feet and stretched out the crik in her spine with a audable snap. "Its about time too," she moved forward to take in the view. Although bought up to ride the rough side of life the view wasn't very inspiring or comforting. "Is that it?" she said softly.

"That is it, not much but a skulking hulk of metal in space, at least we can lay low for a bit here perhaps." Brian eased the Drake into a docking port next to one an old stripped out Federation type shuttle that seemed to have better days.

Stepping off the Drake, a near riot was loose on the station, gaggles of people coming and going, Sembian merchants selling their wares, all yelling at the top of their lungs, random fights would break out in the corridors of the station followed by a pat on the back a laugh and a swill of beer.

Brian looked over at the others and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess if you wanted to get lost, this would be the place to do it."

"Depends on what type of lost you're thinking about." Lottie eyed the pushing crowds and flying fists.

"Aye" Martok said. "I know the station well. I have come here many a time to either find or complete a 'job'. The 102 holds many a fond memory for me."

"How many times did you have to visit the medical ward here?" Park had moved forward out of the shuttle and looked at the almost scripted chaos that was going on in the station. He took a nice deep breath, the air on the station was putrid. "Tell you what, let's head over to the bar real quick, I'll buy you guys a drink, get the rest of your coin and then you can get out of here."

Martok laughed "The doctor and I have become good friends, needless to say."

Max blinked at the people and was glad to be out of the ship for a while, he knew the Pirate Haven and people knew him there also. But was it wise to appear in public already? He looks at the crew of the ship 'I might be saver here for a while' he thought

Brian looked at Max, he obviously had a connection to this place and knew what it was like. "I have to agree, the deal was only to drop you off Park, and I think we've accomplished that part of the deal."

"Ohh there is always time for a drink with old friends, come on, besides if you don't come you won't get the second half of the pay." Park headed off towards the bar that was just ahead of them.

"Do you think we should follow him?" Brian looked at Martok, Charlotte and Max. "I didn't just risk my neck for half of my pay, and it looks like you might be familiar with this place Max, the quicker we get our pay, the quicker we get out of here and continue with a low profile."

"Scared of a little fight?" Martok said to Brian, "I agree though we shouldn't stay here long, especially with the likes of him, Martok motioned to Sainexs, I'm sure he has made his fair share of enemies here, as have I."

"Well I for one didn't come out all this way just for half the pay," Lottie injected. "I'll go if your too cowardly." She shouldered past them both to catch up with Park.

"Enemies is a soft word to say the least" Max replied he shrugged and looked at the people, he admired the behavior of Lottie and smiled "But then again, with Martok and me here.....we can handle it" making his point to stay on the ship for a while longer

Being jostled around a little Lottie was still able to follow Park through the violent mobs into the gubbiest bar she had ever seen. Most of the furniture had been broken so many times no doubt due to fights most of the persons inside were forced to stand but even that seemed to create uneasy looks between them.

Lottie elbowed her way to the counter beside Park ensuring with nudge she had his attention. "One drink, then you cough up. Jones want's us back fast," she lied quickly.

"Don't worry sugar, we'll have you back to the old man in no time." Park laughed and ordered a few drinks for the crews. "You sure you don't want to live a life of crime out here with me doll?" He raised his eyebrows at the same time he raised his drink to his mouth. "I could use a cute little thing like you out here, at least till I find someone better."

"Someone better?" Lottie scoffed. "Well you just sealed my answer: 'No way not on you life' quite firmly then." She took the drink from the bar top and threw it back without so much as a blink. "Besides with your inflated ego you'd be too clumsy to pull anything off."

"Well, if you wanted me to pull something off love you should have just asked." Park raised his eyebrows at Lottie and smiled.

Brian finally made it up to the bar and took the drink that was waiting for him. As he listened to the conversation and the last part he looked at Park. "That is enough, we've played your little game, let's get our money and get out of here."

Martok had followed Lottie and Park towards the bar, but at a slower pace, and he waited outside at the vendors. He was looking at several swords at one of the booths when he heard his name called by a familiar voice. He turned around and saw his old friend Pen'tak, a Romulan weapons dealer.
"Greetings friend I haven't seen you in forever." The Romulan said.

"Yes it has been awhile since I have been here." Replied Martok "And I wont be here long this time." Martok and Pen'tak spent several minutes talk while Lottie and Park where in the bar. Martok was keeping a close eye on them just in case something happened.

Shrive had distanced himself from the group, keeping an eye locked on Stamir. Silently, he hoped that Park would not follow through with the money, which would be the last mistake that he would ever make.

Park finished his drink and produced a data small data pad. "500 bars of gold pressed Latinum, transferred to the Wardens galactic bank account, routed through 6 different systems, should be completely untrackable." He handed the data padd over to Charlotte. For a total of 1000 bars, as previously agreed upon." Park took a drink from his glass when a mug from across the room nearly nailed him in the head.

"PARK STAMIR, I THOUGHT I SMELLED YOUR FOUL STENCH IN THIS PLACE! I HAVE A DEBT TO SETTLE WITH YOU." A large Klingon and two of his friends walked over from their seats and stood within spitting distance of Park, Brian and Charlotte. "I hope you enjoyed your few moments here in MY bar but they will be your last. Your actions cost me two battle cruisers, as well as my houses seat on the council.... you shall feel the blade of my knife slowly.. and painfully enter your small head."

Shrive thought to himself. 'Perhaps this is the opportunity I've been waiting for...' Slowly, he placed his hands on a disruptor and the hilt of a blade.

Martok had been watching from a safe distance and when he saw the Klingon and company approach Lottie and Brian he unsheathed his swords and silently took up a position behind the possible attackers.

The tense air was ready to break the airline, until a hand rest onto the Klingon shoulder "You really want to do that?" Max asked.

"Take your hand of me, you punk" the Klingon growled.

Max smiles "I guess your house of Dubad" he shake his head and took a step back "I thought the Dubad dogs were finally stringed to their chains"

A few Klingons stood up as the Klingon turned to him "What did you say...."

"Beside the fact that your a royal nothing......and your house blows....big time. Nothing" Max smirks

Martok admired the way that Max was handling the Klingon, but still kept his guard up just in case a fight broke out.

Brian unhitched the guard on his phaser ready to pull it at a moments notice. "We were just about to leave..."

"I don't think so little one." One of the Klingons had stepped up and put his arm on Brian while the leader of the bunch looked at Max. "My fight was with this one, but now you insult me, you insult my house, my HONOR! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!" The Klingon kicked Max in the chest to push him away while he pulled a Mekleth from his belt and lunged at Sainexes.

Knowing exactly was about to happen Lottie slithered herself out harms way and hopped over the bar. The barman gave her a filthly look but with her fingers trailing the firearms hanging at her hips he backed away without a comment.
Strolling along the rear of the bar Lottie propped her elbows upon the counter further up somewhere between Shrive and the action. She sighed recalling how much she disliked Klingon's but on second thought believed Park and Max deserved all that he should receive. Now they had their payment why care about the scum?

That's when Martok flew into action. He kicked the Klingon in the back of his leg, knocking him down, and then stabbed him in the side. The Klingon went down. Martok immediately went into a defensive stance in preparation for the other Klingons. to fight back.

The andorian kept back, surveying the improvised battlefield. Looking like Martok had things under control, he simply observed.

Max smiles as the Klingon walks angry at him "Oh come on....." the Klingon grabs Max at his neck and raised him. Max tried to say something "Now you got no brave words to cover you!" the Klingon yelled as Max grabbed a blade from the Klingon and makes a swing towards the wall at his side "What worthless attempt"

"Really.....take a look." he dropped the knife and sees a symbol "How do you know that symbol?"

The rest of the bar erupted into full out pandemonium, fights began in all corners, what was left of chairs flung across the room, bottles, anything that could be thrown or used as a weapon was. Park began to slip out of the bar when two of the other Klingons who stood up grabbed him and threw him into the wall of alcohol behind the bar.

Cooley, Lottie twisted her head to watch Park as he sailed over the bar and against the shelves of bottles with an ear shattering crash and rain of broken glass. Her look was of pure satisfaction. "Till you get someone better," she reminded him. "I'd like to see you try".

"Well ok sister, maybe I misspoke a bit earlier" Park slowly picked himself up and grabbed a disruptor that was under the bar.

Catching a glimpse of Park trying to make his getaway, Tyl'Varas used the shroud of the chaos to make his way to cut him off.

"Good man....wise that you did that" Max stands on the ground as he dodged a chair "How do you know the royal guards symbol of Ravok?"

"Ravok is given to the man of honor that wins the ritual of Ravok. I won that when serving the Klingon Empire and on that day I got as a award the Batavia"

The Klingon threw a human across the room "Only one can ride the ghost ship that is cursed with its captain.....Sainexs" he blinks "I thought the Federation dogs got you?"

Max saw Park in trouble and blinks "Give me a second" he slide kicks the Klingon in its belly as he went to the floor "this is still a bar fight" He walked towards Park and grabbed a heavy glass and threw it at one of the Klingons.

"Now my dept to you is cleared Parks...." he slammed the other Klingon down as the other slams him down towards the ground "Oh frak"

Finally making his way to the exit, the andorian made his way out, turned off his communicator, pulled on a hood, and grabbed his blade... and waited patiently.

Stamir picked himself up from the ground and watched as the Klingons that rushed him before were now standing, minus the one that was stabbed in the leg, with Max. "Thanks I appreciate it" Taking one of the bar glasses from the ground he smashed it over the head of the Klingon on top of Max knocking him out. "That one is free, thanks for the ride guys. I'll see you around." Park dodged another punch and made a quick exit out of the bar.

Lottie watched him leave with a sneer. The coward.

Running over to see if he was alright Brian picked Max off the floor. "You alright?" Most of the fighting in the bar was starting to wind down, everyone had thrown their punches and gotten their frustrations out of the way.

Martok had been having fun. When the full on bar fight started he started swinging his blades left and right. There began to be a pool of blood and injured patrons around him.

Brian looked at the pile of broken and battered people around them. "Let's get out of here, I think we may have just overstayed our welcome." Brian grabbed one last shot of his drink that remarkably still on the bar and took off towards the door. He spun around before he left and looked at the bartender. "Sorry for the mess." He flipped a few slips of latinum over towards the scowling barkeep.

Martok looked at the mess around him and then went over to Max and said "You coming with us or staying here?"

"Ah, what the heck. I wasn't doing anything particularly interesting here anyways. I'll get some money out of this, right?"

Pulling out of the station Brian punched in the co-ordinates to the Nav computer, just as a message came across the intercomm. The dockmaster appeared on the screen.


Brian looked at the dockmaster. "Park Stamir said he was going to get ya."

"That crook, I'll never see it... you owe me..." The dockmaster flipped off the switch just as the Drake punched to warp.


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