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Do you have the papers??

Posted on Wed Jan 12th, 2011 @ 5:08am by Walter Jones & Charlotte Ashcroft & Jan Valentine & Morgan Pass & Ryder Chase

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Session 4: The Humans are Dead...
Location: Warden

=Transporter room=
On the transporter padd 3 tall humanoids materialized. All three stood over 7 foot tall and had to duck slightly when stepping off of the padd. The lead man moved forward and looked at Lottie and Jan.

"I am Deshi An, 3rd regent from the office of arbitration. I am here to ensure that your paperwork is in order and to consign a formal contract between your ship and that of the Lagash government."

Lottie felt her gaze lift in awe at the arrivals before coming back to her senses. "Welcome aboard the SS Warden, my name is Lottie Ashcroft, first mate, and this is Jan Valentine the ships engineer." She signaled to Jan beside her. This felt awkward and no doubt the delegates could sense it too.

"Here is the documents you require, they should be in order to come in line with your government polices."

"Our captain will meet with you on the bridge." Jan said.

"Please I'm sure." The arbiter pulled out a padd and handed it to Lottie, "Per article three subsection 12 subset Alpha Line 12 of the Lagashi Traders doctrine all ships must register upon entrance of Lagashi space, and submit a crew and cargo manifest. Also, I understand that a Mr. Valentine, whom I assume is standing in front of me is recently been accepted as a Lagash." The arbiter moved forward a little bit towards Lottie and the control panel. "I'm sure all of the proper documents are in order."

"Would you like to follow I can escort you to see cpatain Jones," Lottie moved so that she stood the the side of the arbiter, blanketed in his shadow.


Jones drummed his fingers nervously on the console and looked at the 3 men sitting in front of him. "Chase, Doc, when we get to Lagash, I'm going to have you go with Jan to meet the doctor that is going to do the Bruce, Lotti and I are going to meet our contact for the cargo. I want you there Chase just in case something goes south, we can have some firepower to back them up with."

"If you wish captain," Chase said, "what kind of terrain will be meeting him. Suburban, city scape, slums or somewhere more open".

"Cityscape slums, they are doing it in the equivilent of a back ally clinic since the paperwork I have for him isn't exactly legal, though my contacts assure me that the procedure is safe, and the doctor preforming it is top notch." Jones took a sip from a giant mug of coffee that read "Space Truckin" on the outside of it. "Doc you might need to carry a firearm too just to be safe."

Pass looked at Jones and then said simply, "I'd prefer not to. I am useless with them, and they do tend to mark you as a target. If I had been carrying a gun when you lot had found me, I would not now have such a close relationship with you and your crew as the one we both now enjoy."

He rubbed his chin, "However, if you give me ten to fifteen minutes I could prepare an... alternative defense. I am sure with someone of this doctors obvious prestige it will not be required."

"Would you like me to stay out of sight or just accompany him".

"Use best discretion" Jones was stopped as the Lagashi, Lottie and Jan entered the bridge.

"Greetings!" Jones stood up and extended his hand to the arbiter. "Captain Walter Jones." Walter looked over at Jan and smiled. "It is nice to"

"Captain, you can save the pleasantries for the dock master. I need your signature, as well as Mr. Valentines and Ms. Ashcrofts to allow you further entry into Lagashi space, and to signify that Mr. Valentine is indeed in accordance with Lagashi law, then I will take my leave." He handed the padd to the captain.

"Not much on small talk." Jones mumbled as he looked over the info then pressed his thumb on the signature line. "Anything for my crew and friends." Jones passed the padd to Jan.

"Yeah. Well this should certify the ship as safe." Jan said, thumbing the padd.

"One last thing we need to do a pre-inspection of the medical bay for any material that is deemed hazardous before we can allow you to proceed." the lagashi looked at Jones with a slight contempt.

"Doc go ahead and show him down to the lab." Jones looked at the Doc knowing that he hadn't had time to go through anything.

Pass just smiled slightly, "Of course, Captain. I will be glad to give them the full tour, once the appropriate formalities are completed."

Accepting the padd from Jan to imprint her thumb Lottie returned it to Jones muttered quietly: "Everything OK?"

"Yeah, fine I think." Jones smiled and watched as the entourage leave the bridge after the Doc.

"Alright, as soon as they are done with their inspection, we'll get going." Jones turned and looked at Bruce. "Best speed as soon as they are gone."

Bruce's eyes lit up, "Seriously? You want the best speed I can get out of these engines? Beauty!"

"Yeah, but I swear to all things that are holy that if you break my ship or burn out my engines I will take it out on your hide and then let Mr. Valentine have his way with you? Clear?" Jones smiled at Bruce with a it's funny but not far from the truth grin.

A few moments later a voice came over the comm. "Captain Jones, you are free to continue on to your final destination."

The Lagashi vessel could be seen swing around the Warden and jump back into warp.

"Alright Bruce, let's hit it..." Jones jumped into his Captains chair. "We've got to make up some time."

Air saluted. The Warp engines began to wind up. Air switched all but two of the Impulse engines down, leaving the remaining on 'Hot Standby'. The excess coolant he re-ducted into the Warp manifold and to the longest route around the ship he could find. He set the environmentals up a bit to compensate for the extra heat he would be generating. Then it was a matter of rerouting the shield power back to the SIF and pumping the IDF manually as he jogged up the scale.

The engines began to whine as he shifted up from Warp 5, but they settled again when they reached Warp 6. They began the whine again as the speed crept higher, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3...

There was a constant rattle beginning somewhere in the back of the ship. Air manually readjusted the SIF to compensate but increased the speed, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6...

A siren sounded on the board but Air flicked it off. He made a few manual adjustments to the Plasma flow rate, his face now a mask of concentration. 6.65, 6.7, 6.75...

"Warp 6.8," he grinned at Jan. The whine from the engines was beginning to be unbearable, and the engineering board showed more red than green. Still Air pushed the engines, manually adjusting the Warp field as he went. 6.85, 6.9, 6.95...

Suddenly every thing settled again. The noise began to wind down and the Engineering board began to switch back into the green.

"Warp 7!" Air crowed. "That's a months wage, I believe Mr Valentine! But I will settle for a slab of beer. I can keep her at this for about twelve hours. I might be able to give you a bit more but I think Jan will hit me with a phase decoupler if I try."

"I wouldn't risk damaging a decoupler just to bash your head in." Jan said.

"No, you'd just discover your shower and sink were spewing radioactive coolant at you instead of water." Jan said, with a slightly evil looking grin.

Jan looked over the engine boards, and his data padd, and sighed.

"Well Jones, I'll admit, I underestimated the engines a bit, We should be good at this speed for more than a day, as long as something doesn't blow out, or the ECM decides to crap out." Jan said.

"We'll just make Bruce get out and push without a space suit." Jones stood up and grabbed a manual. "Alright. I've got some paperwork to finish up, once all of our business is done on the Lagash, you guys will get some time to explore and have a good time." Jones made his way out of the bridge to study the manual leaving the crew to their jobs.


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