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Like taking candy... (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jul 8th, 2009 @ 11:52pm by Tyl'varas Shrive & Brian Mallory & Charlotte Ashcroft & Martok & William "Billy" Decker & Walter Jones & Lieutenant Mnheia t'Llaiir

1,672 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Location: Bridge, then elsewhere
Timeline: Now

Over the comm system, suddenly came out "This is your XO speaking. We have a shuttle to go pick up. I need volunteers. If you're interested, meet me in the bridge. Shrive out."

Tyl'varas sat down, and pondered as to who would actually come along, and who he could test along the way.

Down in one of the cargo bays, Brian Mallory heard the Andorian's announcement. He set down the crates he was loading, and hit the comm panel. "Mallory to Shrive. What's this about picking up another shuttle? I'm on my way." He deactivated the antigrav loaders, and headed for the turbolift.

In the confines of her personel quarters Charlotte Ashcroft looked up sharply from her midday snack, something which could make her go weak at the knees - chocolate! The news of picking up a shuttle sounded interesting, it would be a test of wills against the crewmen and being on the only propper human woman on board she had to make a stand for herself. Hiding the secret stash and wiping her lips across the back of her hand Lottie punched the comm panel on her way out.

In her quarters, Mnheia listend to the message from the XO and wondered if she should go.

'It would be interesting....facinating perhaps!'

With that thought, Mnheia reached for the com on her shoulder and after touching it and establishing a connection with the Executive Officer Mnheia said, "This is Mnheia t'Llaiir the Communications/Computer Chief. I will meet you on the bridge as I wish to join you on your mission. t'Llaiir out."

Mallory strode out of the turbolift and nodded at the Andorian before taking his place at the helm. The mission report would begin when everyone was assembled and Shrive was good and ready.

Lottie arrived next pulling her arms across her self eyeing up the crew that had decided to join in.

No one noticed but the bounty hunter had managed to make his way onto the bridge silently and disappeared into the shadows in the back. He had come heavily armed and had even brought a pistol he thought the Andorian would like. It was an old Klingon disruptor. Bulkier than the disruptor he had shot out of the Andorian's hand, but also had more power and a longer battery life.

"So, we have ourselves an opportunity to pick up some ships to fill up our docking on the ship. There is one in particular that we are going to bring back, if not more. The catch to this is that the dockmaster does not know this yet. You can take that as you will, and if you feel uncomfortable about my previous statement, feel free to take your leave from this particular trip. Those that are going, meet me at shuttle 2 in four hours. Come armed." Tyl'Varis glanced around, checking if there were any lingering questions.

"Great," Mallory said. "More hodgepodge support craft for me to take apart and put back together. You're so good to me, Shrive."

Shrive looked over towards Mallory with an amused look, and said, "I thought you could use more projects. They've got a few other ships down there as well, so I'm hoping we leave with more than just the one that we ARE leaving with. Whether he realizes it yet or not, the dockmaster owes me. We could just cancel it all together. I'm sure you don't want any better shuttles."

"Oh, no, don't call it off on my account. I love flying hot shuttles through legal gray areas."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the two as they exchanged remarks Lottie waiting should there be anything else Shrive wanted to add. If not she'd rather leave the two of them to iron out their deferences.

After Shrive and Mallory had finished their 'discussion' Martok came out of the shadows and said "I will be going along as well. I figure you could use another gun." He then turned to Shrive and said "Here is the replacement disruptor I promised. If its not to your liking Im sure I can find something that is." He handed the weapon over to the Andorian.

"It's ugly, but it'll do. We're even." Shrive started inspecting the weapon, and then went back to glancing around at the others surrounding him.

Will stepped onto the bridge to see what all the fuss was about "I'd hate to have to do more work around this bucket than necessary. Last thing I need is to be babysitting any of you when you get shot, so I'd better come along. Never know what might happen"

From the corner, Lottie chuckled at the Doctor's iterated tone.

Giving Lottie an annoyed look, Shrive started in towards the mission details. "We are picking up a shuttle from the dockmaster. We are also planning on picking up whatever else will fit into our docking bays. The reason you are coming armed is due to the fact that we are not taking no for an answer. We will be splitting into two groups. I will be in charge of the first one, and Mallory will be in charge of the second one. Martok, you are with Mallory. My group will be negotiating. The second one... will not be negotiating. I do not care how you would like to split up other than who I stated. Understood?"

Mallory nodded. "Just peachy, Shrive. I'll grab my ninja gear."

"Good. Meet me in the shuttle bay. Do not keep me waiting." Shrive headed off towards the shuttle bay, then started prepping the shuttle to leave.

With a resigned sigh, Mallory stalked off the bridge, to begin his own preparations.

Lottie nodded and left prompty calling in behind Mallory.

When Mallory reached the shuttlebay, he took a deep breath, and felt the small holster beneath his jacket. It was both oddly assuring and enervating. As he walked up shuttle two's access ramp, and caught the end of a conversation between the XO and their newest hired gun.

"Martok, I'm hoping that you got the idea of what I am asking of you?" stated the Andorian dryly."

"Shoot first ask questions later?" Martok asked.

Looking amused, Tyl'varas said, "That's the general idea, but only if we have to. Think of yourself as an insurance policy."

"I assure you that my "policy" is the best there is." Martok responded.

Mallory slid into the pilot's seat, and looked at the two men. "Let's hope we don't have to make a claim?"

"I'm hoping you're not as soft as that makes you sound," stated Shrive in a condescending tone.

"I'm just saying no more trouble than necessary, right?" Mallory leveled his gaze at the Andorian. "Unless you actually want to bring the wrath of Starfleet down on our heads."

Shrive contemplated this for a moment, and then said, "We'll keep things tied up tight. Martok, can I safely assume that whatever we need to do, it can be done with utmost discretion?"

"Of course sir" Martok replied.

Catching only a handful of the conversation Lottie held her tongue allowing the bickering to continue. As long as everyone was able to do their job well that was all she cared about.

With everyone aboard, Mallory closed the rear hatch, and depressurized the shuttlebay. He keyed in the flight sequence and the massive hanger doors slid open. The tip of one of the starbase's many "limbs" was visible, and beyond that, the vastness of space. Mallory hit the thrusters, and in a second, they were clear of the Warden and the docking ring.

Mallory opened the intraship intercom, and his voice boomed through the cabin. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "this is your pilot speaking. If you look out your starboard viewports, you'll see Starbase 376, with its armada of Starfleet patrol vessels, tractor beams, highly-accurate tactical officers, and deadly armaments. Up ahead, that tiny speck on the horizon: our destination, the civilian shipyards. Please feel free to move about the cabin, see your flight attendants for drinks, and enjoy this leisurely flight out. On our return trip, remember to fasten your seatbelts and straight-jackets as we can expect heavy turbulence, high speed chases, and nearly certain death. And you're in luck, today's inflight holovid is a triple feature: The Great Escape, Gone In 60 Seconds and The Gods Must Be Crazy. Thank you for flying Insane Plan Spacelines, and enjoy the rest of your life."

The shuttle made its way towards the docks, as a landscape of old, beat up ships became more clearly visible. Shrive opened up a hailing frequency, and stated, "This is Tyl'varas Shrive, from the starship SS Warden. We are coming down to discuss business regarding the Groumal ship you sold us. I urge you to be prepared for us. We'll be touching down in 2 minutes. Shrive out."

The dockmaster was arm deep in a bucket of foul looking sludge that at one point looked like chicken. Upon hearing the the voice of Shrive he threw up his hands and ran over to the comm. Bits of chicken and other food spilled over the control panel, what could they possibly want. He had made sure that it would stay together until they at least hit warp 3 and they hadn't been out of dock as of yet. "This is dockmaster Willy, how can I be of service?"

"That will be discussed upon our arrival." Shrive commed in.

After the Andorian cut the channel, Mallory brought the shuttle up to the shipyard's primary docking ring, turned her outward, and backed up to the main airlock. He pressed a few controls, and the umbilical sealed, equalizing pressure between the shuttle and the station. He set the shuttle's onboard computer to station keeping, and hoped to high heaven that it wasn't glitchy.

He looked up at Shrive. "Well, we're here." He opened the rear hatch, and then addressed the group. "Everyone ready? Remember where we parked. Emergency beamouts aren't an option."


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