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Old debts

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2009 @ 7:28pm by Tyl'varas Shrive & Walter Jones & Lillian Merricks & Barin Tirad & Martok & Sky Summers & Charlotte Ashcroft & Brian Mallory & Lee Pierce & Lieutenant Mnheia t'Llaiir & Hank Tasco

1,670 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Session One - Jailhouse Rock
Timeline: present

The message had been sent. Tyl'varas Shrive eyed it with disdain, and dejectedly thought about what this would entail. This was not what he had in mind as a good test run for a green crew. As much as he didn't much care for much of the people on board, they were still his subordinates, and he still felt responsible for their lives. A life dedicated to the military tended to ingrain that into his skull.

He knew that this was no simple prisoner transport. People were most likely going to die. And for what? So honor could be satisfied? But it wasn't as simple as that. The bastard pinkskin had saved his life, and lied to get him a reduced sentence. This debt needed to be repaid. He couldn't go on with this weighing on his conscience.

"Well," Shrive muttered to himself, "I suppose it's time to get this over with."

Reaching for the comm button at his bridge station, he began to address the crew. "Attention crew and passengers of the Warden. This is your XO speaking. We have received transmission from our current contract, and will be moving out shortly. You are to report to the bridge immediately, and will be briefed on the mission details. This goes for the entire complement on this ship. Shrive out."

"And so it begins," Mallory said quietly as he set the helm console to station-keeping and turned his seat to face the rest of the bridge.

Jones had been in the galley trying to find something to eat when he heard Tyl's message. Put down the box of cereal that he was holding and walked into the bridge. He took his normal chair in the captains seat and looked at Tyl. "Finally got word from your contacts huh? Did they mention anything about the pay this time?"

"The pay is good, and we've already been paid half, up front. I sincerely doubt that will be a problem. It's just the rest I'm concerned with."

"The rest huh? Well if anything it will give us a good test of things." Jones leaned back in his chair. He could tell that something was off with Shrive but he wasn't going to push it any further.

'That doesn't sound good the errant thought floated through Sky's mind as she heard the announcement., but she started on her way to the bridge.

Even if she was only a passenger, it seemed she had a small role to play after all. Gathering her cloak, she threw up her hood, concealing her weathered yet pretty face as she made her way to the briefing room.

Martok had been sharpening his bat'leth when he heard Shrive's message. He got up and headed to the bridge taking a spot in the back.

Lee was going through some of the crew's medical records - the ones she was allowed to see - when the XO's message came through the comm and the crew presence was required at the bridge. Lee closed the files and locked her station before heading off the sickbay. She was on the bridge a couple minutes later and she waved lightly at the people there, recognizing only a couple of them. "Hi," she breathed with a genuine albeit shy smile and then she stood back to wait for the briefing.

"So when do we receive our cut?" Ashcroft was quick to ask having overheard Jones and Shrive discussing everyone's favorite language - money. She propped against a console eyes wondering around the cramped space as all hands began to fill in and hear the latest piece of information.

"Very important subject that I'm glad that you've brought it up. We've already received half of it up front. I'll need to figure out way to divy it out but it is currently sitting in my account, figure I can just pay you in actual bars or I can have your cut transferred over to an account." Jones grabbed a pad and tossed it over to Charlotte to show the account balance that he had set up for the ship.

With a quick glance at the padd Lottie nodded satisfied with the final figure. Even with it dived up between the crew each would still be left with a good sum.

Shrive started in on the briefing. "As we have chosen, we will be initiating a rendezvous with a local prison transport in the Lukkaris system. We will be transporting a number of prisoners to a Federation outpost near Federation Starbase 54. We need the cargo bay retrofits done in the next 48 hours. Shortly before arrival, there will be a more accurate briefing on the specifics of what we need to accomplish. In the meantime, I need to have a private word with Martok and Lottie. There is a specific part of this operation that I will need both of your expertise for. Any questions?"

Under the shadow that passed over Lottie's face she smirked. 'This ought to be good,' she thought as the gathered staff began to raise their queries.

Sky made a tentative step forward, not sure if she should ask the question that was brimming to be asked. She had a funny feeling it would be met with the same type of response she had got upon her arrival. "Is there anything I can do to help Mister Shrive?"

Again Lottie arched an eyebrow at Sky's involvement in this job. She along with the Vulcan were two parts that didn't fit in the puzzle clearly. Naturally the woman was a charmer which had rubbed a certain amount off upon herself but how did she fit in with the transportation of prisoners?

Shrive sized Sky up once again, and let out a sigh. "Interestingly enough, you may prove useful in all of this. However, I'm not at liberty to discuss your possible role until we get a bit closer."

"Why mister Shrive, it sounds like your finally warming up to me", the smile on her face was a pleasant one, and it irritated him just as much as her presence on the bridge.

Lillian didn't feel as if she had to do anything for the ship, but she say, "Shrive, if you are in need of some extra security, I could offer my services, but for now it will most likely be best if I stay indoors, no?"

Jones looked over at Lillian and smiled, "Yeah after the fedaralies make the switch we'll have you help with the prisoners but just stay out of site for the short term."

After the Andorian finished explaining the 'job' and questions started being asked, Lee pursed her lips and mused over the matter at hand: transporter of prisoners? That was never a good thing, at least in Lee's mind. It was dangerous enough in space without the cargo trying to scape and looking to suffocate you while you were sleeping. Alright, that was a bit too paranoid of her but things like that happened.

Oh well, it was not going to be boring, though, that was for sure.

"Hmm," Lee began, raising her hand slightly to make sure she wasn't speaking out of turn. "Do I need to know anything about their medical conditions to get prepared in case of an emergency or that's irrelevant or just none of my business?" the green skinned woman asked with a half-smile.

The Andorian looked towards Lee, and simply stated, "You'll find out when we get there. Any other questions?"

" Thanks," it was Lee's reply for the XO. She smiled at him and then shook her head when he inquired about further questions. "Nope. I'm good."

Mallory likewise shook his head, keeping quiet. Hopefully this prisoner transport would mean nothing more for him than getting the ship from point A to point B to point C -- but he didn't think so. Something in the Andorian's manner was nagging at him, saying there was more going on than meets the eye. But this definitely was not the time to press the issue.

"Seems like we have a lot of find out when we get there things. Lee just be prepared for anything, without our doc around anymore you are going to have to make sure that everyone is ok should something go down." Jones smiled at Lee, she seemed a bit young for and adventure like this but everyone has to start somewhere. "From what I've been told the pay on this is going to be pretty good, so for the extra risk I think it is going to be worth it, and they've given us half up front so we shouldn't disapoint."

"Aye captain," the Orion girl said with a bright smile and a playful salute. "Don't need to worry. I have all in control, all covered. The sickbay is going to be up and ready for anything," Lee finished with a firm nod.

"Good glad I can count on you." He smiled at her and returned the salute.

Mnheia listened to the announcement and soon found herself on the bridge. She was confused however. She understood why communications would be involved in what was going on, but she had no idea how science, her primary function, would be involved. She understood that there was a prisoner transport but again, how did that involve science? First contact, planet surveys, traveling through space (known or unknown)....these needed science....but prisoner transport???? Mnheia shook her head but decided to wait for the others to see if the captain was amoung them before voicing a concern.

"Well, unless anyone has any questions lets get the old bird ready to fly in an hour, everyone make sure that you talk to Charlotte about arming yourself. I doubt we are going to need it but let's be on the safe side." Jones looked at everyone on the bridge and waited to hear any questions.

"Alright, lets get going guys." Jones smiled at everyone as they got ready for the mission.


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