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One last thing...

Posted on Thu Oct 29th, 2009 @ 5:25pm by Walter Jones & Jan Valentine & Hank Tasco & Kyle Bowman & Max Sainexs & Lee Pierce & Martok & Sky Summers

1,159 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Interlude - SB 611
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


It was time to divy up the money and have everyone get to meet each other. Jones clicked on the comm system, he had gotten it working mostly. "Everyone come up to the bridge, time to distribute the loot and go over a few things before we head over to the starbase, I know you probably want to get over but I want to make sure everyone knows some ground rules first." Jones clicked off the comm and sat in his chair.

Sky had heard the call, but officially she wasn't part of this crew, she was a tenant. For a moment she hesitated but decided that the crew would be better off receiving the loot, plus she wasn't called by name and one of the arrangements was to not get involved with the crew and their pay. She decided instead to head over to the starbase and start doing some re-con on the crew and so on. Find out the lay of the land on the starbase.

Kyle was still on the bridge whilst the announcment was made, so remained where he was for the rest if the crew to arrive.

Putting the ships inventory manifest on hold Miller headed to the bridge. "So skip was it a good haul, or am I going to have to get myself a part time job to make some money?" Miller joked as he leaned against a console and waited for the others to show up.

Looking up from the stations crew she'd been studying Lottie shouldered her way past the stream of eager crewmates foaming at the mouth for their pay. Privately she was glad their previous missin was over for their 'cargo' was more annoying they she cared to admit.

Jan looked up from a stripped power coupling, barely hearing the captain's order. He put his tools in a tool kit and wandered up to the bridge, looking around at various readouts and control panels. *that needs adjusting....that's broken...that's hot* Jan thought to himself, examining an area behind a console.

Martok was the last to arrive, he had a habit of showing up late sometimes. He stood in the shadows in the back of the room and listened.

Max sat in the back of the room a bit in the dark staring outside

Jones looked up at the crew, "first things first." he took a stack of data pads and tossed them over to each of the crew members. "After everything is said and done, each of you earned 72 Bars of Latinum on that job. That is with standard cut as well as bonus, all you need to do is authenticate those and they'll get distributed out to ya over the space net. I don't expect us to get a lot more of these kinds of jobs, in the future, so this should get us going for a bit, get the ship into tip top state and get some real food."

"Bout time we got something good to eat around here." Martok said

"With that body of yours, still surprise me that you can taste the different" Max said with a sarcastic voice. He was not used to work in such crew attitude. He looks back outside and took a deep breath.

Martok glared at Max. Just because I have a unique body does not mean I do not have taste buds." he retorted

Kyle watched the big guy continue to argue with the pirate, obvious by the way he held himself. He took a PADD without complaint signing it and passing it on, then turned back to the Pilot's consol to attend to one of the many alarms that kept popping up. He kept listening to the captain as he spoke.

"I wanted to tell all of you that you did a fantastic job on the last mission, even if we didn't quite have all the details on everything." Jones shot a quick look over to Tyl, proved that we can get in and out of some tough situations. Which brings me to my next point. I see us being here about a week or so, I've got a meeting with a contact that may pay us off pretty well for an easy job. Simple run, and hopefully not to much gunning job." Jones stood up and looked at everyone. "Go ahead and head over to the station, try not to get into to much trouble over there, if any of the security questions you about our little prison break, don't say anything, worse comes to worse, I'll come and bail you out. I think you guys did a good enough job keeping it quick and dirty that we'll be clear. Check in once a day with the ships data base, I'll post jobs up there or notices to get back." He looked around at everyone. "Any questions?"

"Know any good junk shops?" Jan said, signing the padd.

"The whole station is a glorified junk shop at the moment, I'm sure you could buy pretty much anything over there. The whole place got rocked by a borg attack not to long ago. I for one am going bargain hunting." Jones smiled at everyone.

"No questions here." Miller said as he authenticated the padd. "Though I am hoping this shore leave goes better than the one I spent briefly on Flausten, which sucked huge."

"Yeah, well for you Mr. Miller, we've got one last thing do to before I let you go, after the meeting meet me down in the shuttle bay, we've got a delivery to make." Jones looked around again. "Alright, go spend some time off, I'll see you back in a few days, if you get in trouble get a hold of me and I'll see what we can do.

Martok signed the padd as it came to him and then passed it on and headed out of the ship.

Lottie took the Padd from Martok inserted the nesscery and handed the Padd back to Jones since she was the last to sign. "I'm sure we can handle things pretty well on our own sir, " she smiled. Then in three strides she moved around the other side of Miller: "Remember I still owe you lunch," she said lowly turning to catch his eye.

A small smile spread across his face as he remembered the lunch they had talked about before the mission had started. "I'll meet up with you after I'm done with Jones." Miller replied keeping his voice down so that the others couldn't hear.

Smirking Lottie winked and slinked away feeling the gaze of Jones wonder over her. Passing through the hatchway off the bridge she stole a glance over her shoulder to see both Miller and Jones already in deep discussion.
That look Walter had given her... it was hard to decrypt. A look of caution, yet a touch of envy and desire... or was she simply imagining it?



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